Netherlands and more

Blog about life in Holland

Sugar cylinders and coffee hemispheres

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Today I’ve experienced a real paradigm shift. As I’ve found out, cubes are not the only shape you find sugar formed into (which has been my conviction for more then four decades to now). There also exist sugar cylinders!

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My entrepreneurship ‣ VAT number for zzp’ers is (finally) to be replaced

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Each legal entity in the Netherlands receives a special identification number called btw-nummer shortly after the registration (btw is Dutch for “value-added tax”).

This number is necessary for invoicing, both domestic and international, and—obviously—for VAT payments.

So what’s so special about it? Well, it turns out that if you’re a self-employed entrepreneur, your VAT number is based upon your BSN identifier. Which is quite a blunder from the privacy point of view.

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Querying any vehicle’s data by its number plate

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The Netherlands has a public service that provides information about nearly any vehicle registered in the country, given its number plate.

The service is called OVI (Online Voertuig Informatie or “Online Vehicle Information”) and is being run by the State Traffic Service RDW (Rijksdienst voor het Wegverkeer), whose responsibility encompasses road infrastructure as well as vehicle certification, including mandatory periodic checkups (APK).

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A kind of magic: two-sided conventional USB

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Recently I’ve come across a couple of USB cables of Chinese origin (what else).

Cables that are a real innovation in my view. Carrying just regular USB Type A or Micro USB connectors, they can be plugged in both ways!

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Update your subscriptions: the site is migrating

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Update: the new version of the website is now live; all comments have been retained and copied over from the old version.

Below is the original message:

A new version of will go live on Monday August 19, 2019. Not so much has changed in the looks of the site, but inside it’s totally different.

In this regard its RSS feed links will change:

  • Old: (Atom) or (RSS)
  • Current: (RSS only) — as of 19 August 2019

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