InfoPi is a single-page web application that displays various live data, like weather forecast and train departure times.
The application is developed with Angular and can be packaged with the Electron browser to make an all-in-one executable bundle.
My own implementation was crafted for Raspberry Pi running Raspbian and a full HD monitor (1920×1080 pixels) in the portrait orientation, but it should run on any platform that Electron supports and properly adapt itself to a broad range of resolutions.
This is how the information display looks like:

Getting started
If you also want an own instance of InfoPi, check the README on GitHub.
This software is distributed on the terms of the MIT License Version 1 or (optionally) any later version.
Software and any related documentation are provided on an as is basis, without warranty of any kind. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the software remains with you.
Source code
To download the latest source code, clone my GitHub repository:
git clone
See also
- Blog posts: