
DKLang Translation Editor

Editing tool for DKLang Localization Package translations.

DKLang Translation Editor is a GUI application for editing DKLang Localization Package translations.


  • Translation using a dictionary (so-called Translation Repository).
  • Automatic tracking of source and translation mismatches. A difference log is generated when you open a project. This log shows you added and deleted entries as compared to the language source file. New entries can then be automatically translated with the Translation Repository.
  • An extra translation file for displaying strings can be used. For example, when you translate into Ukrainian it would be more convenient to use Russian as a reference rather than English, given a Russian translation is already available.
  • Find and Replace functions.
  • Any item in the translation tree can be bookmarked and navigated to later.



This software is distributed on the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 or (optionally) any later version.

Software and any related documentation are provided on an as is basis, without warranty of any kind. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the software remains with you.


Source code

To download the latest source code, clone my GitHub repository:

git clone https://github.com/yktoo/dkl_traned.git

See also
