Netherlands and more

Blog about life in Holland

Musicellaneous ‣ The Helix Nebula

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Photo by The Helix Nebula.

It’s Friday again, the time when music stars are falling from the sky, or now and then a whole nebula!

In this fifth edition of Musicellaneous I’d like to introduce the dear reader to The Helix Nebula, Australian wizards of instrumental prog metal, which sometimes diverges into djent and math rock.

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Mona Lisa Plus

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We’ve recently been to Paris and strolled along the banks of Seine, where all kinds of old stuff was being sold: postcards, posters, paintings, books.

Occasionally you stumble upon a really interesting artifact.

So we’ve spotted a brilliant version of Mona Lisa, which we named “Mona Lisa Plus” amongst ourselves. It looked so appropriate in the company of hundreds of canonical copies of Da Vinci’s work.

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Picnic: online supermarket review

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Photo by Picnic.

It’s an unusual review today: I’m writing about my experiences with the fastest-growing online supermarket chain in the Netherlands—Picnic—which has finally opened its virtual doors before me.

I’ve signed up for it a little more than a year ago and landed at the place 200+ on the waiting list at the moment.

Later I checked on the app several times but my number never changed so I forgot about it a while later.

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DIY postcards

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As it turns out, you can make postcards yourself.

Furthermore, they will feel much more special and, with a bit of luck, prettier than ones from the store!

Bigger pictures are under the cut.

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Electronic visas for visiting St. Petersburg

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Photo by KiraHundeDog/Pixabay.

Amazing news for anyone planning to visit Saint Petersburg.

As of 1 october 2019 a simplified procedure for obtaining a Russian visa has become available. The so-called e-visa allows for visiting Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

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Stunning aerial photos of Dutch greenhouses by Tom Hegen

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Photo: ©Tom Hegen.

Tom Hegen, a German award-winning photographer specialising in aerial photography, has made absolutely stunning night photos of the Netherlands.

They feature dazzling light patches of greenhouses against the pitch-black background, so bright that they are clearly visible from space.

By the courtesy of Tom I’m publishing his Greenhouse Series photos in my blog today.

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Cloudinary content backup

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Right after migrating all my images onto Cloudinary I started to question myself: how am I going to make backups?

Nothing lasts forever, including clouds. Or, for example, one day you can lose your Cloudinary account and hence your access to the hosting altogether. Therefore the task of making a copy of your content is quite relevant.

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