Why is it always like that?
The Right Way
At last it looks the right way, just like it was. I’m really amazed at indefatigability of the Dutch: would you plant a half kilometer of flowers?
Dutch Tulip Round-Up
Warning: these pictures can make you jealous. Watch with care.
The Hague
My first visit to the see in this year is as early as the spring itself.
Uninstalling Dictators: Amended Version
A friend of mine is recently back from Southeast Asia. His intention originally was to visit Vietnam and Laos, but he ended up visiting also Cambodia, Malaysia and Hong Kong.
His currency exchanges yielded some peculiar things, whether accidentally or not happened to be in the deck of banknotes, such as this Brunei dollar:
Now that spring has come, we have daffodils flowering! Not so many and yet remarkable:
R. I. P. Gary
Gary Moore would have performed at Highlands Festival here in Amersfoort on May 27-28, 2011. People arranging the concert are now evidently upset.
It’s always hard to conceive when people this famous leave us so unexpectedly. He was 58, didn’t survive a heart attack.
A hoot of negative
It Feels Like Winter
You have perhaps heard of wintry weather and severe snowfalls in different parts of Europe. It didn’t leave Holland unaffected either. From my balcony I see something like this:
Fog in Amersfoort
From now on I’m going to make my blog bilingual. Unless I’m too lazy, or the subject is not intended for Western audience.
Fogs in Holland are more than frequent. One of such days I grabbed my camera and went out for photos:
The Land of Change
October in Amersfoort: