Netherlands and more

Blog about life in Holland

How to benefit from podcasts: Denver DAB-18 digital radio review

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For the first time in my life I won a prize: a digital radio receiver Denver DAB-18.

That happened thanks to the Met het oog op morgen (which roughly translates as “With a view to tomorrow”) podcast, which I’ve been listening to for about a decade now. It’s double useful because you learn the news and improve your Dutch at the same time.

This nightly podcast is being made by the NPO and published around midnight, so I’d usually listen to it the next day.

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Meet Cheetah 🐈

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We have a new family member. Meet our Bengal Cheetah.

We didn’t give her the name. I reckon, the previous owner noted the resemblance to one.

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History repeatz itself

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History repeats itself once again, this time around having turned in the opposite direction.

Alexander Nevzorov, the renowned Russian war journalist, shows caricatures dating back to the Second World War, which look intimidatingly familiar.

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Video: spring in Houten — 2022

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It’s that time of year again when the trees are in full blossom and the daytime temperature hits 20 °C (68 °F)!

That said, it can still go as low as -4 °C (25 °F) at night, and it even snowed this morning. Luckily, there’s nothing left of it now, so it’s time for a traditional Spring Video!

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It’s happened. That what everyone was so scared to bring up but nonetheless inevitable. You. Are. Gone.

There was nearly no joy left in your life in the last year and a half. Not after you lost your beloved husband and, unexpectedly, your eldest son.

You have never been outside since. Not that you wanted it anyway. You couldn’t sleep, you lost weight, and you were suffering from pain in the leg you broke almost two years ago.

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So long twenty-twenty-one

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Image by Gordon Johnson/Pixabay.

It’s time for a traditional upshot post again; we’ve all had a crazy year with all that pandemic bustle. And as the year nears its end I realise one gets imminently used even to crazy.

When it comes to my blog I haven’t been particularly active, so here is my year’s roundup.

COVID-19 (20, 21, …)

I need to begin with a sad recent event: on December 15th my older brother Serge Kann passed away. It happened exactly a year after my dad died, and from the same cause: due to post-COVID complications.

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