I’ve finally managed to move my blog from Blogger onto a self-developed platform.
The new address of the blog is: yktoo.com/blog
I’ve finally managed to move my blog from Blogger onto a self-developed platform.
The new address of the blog is: yktoo.com/blog
Even though I’ve now settled in Houten, I keep visiting Amersfoort now and then. I’m still doing aikido with Joginder Singh.
On September 7th our dojo gave a demo on a “district day” Vathorstdag 2014 (Vathorst is the district in Amersfoort our dojo is in), just like six years ago.
I didn’t participate this time, but was filming instead. There was also another cam, so the idea was to put both footages together nicely, and I volunteered for that.
I’ve tried a number of video editors for Linux, most of them proved to be utterly unusable (Pitivi wouldn’t allow me to edit track properties, OpenShot lacked the very basic timeline shift function, Shotcut quit abruptly after adding a clip, Kino is discontinued long time ago). Finally I’ve tried Kdenlive, and that one is absolutely fantastic! I was surprised how quick and hassle-free video editing can be nowadays. All in all it took me about a couple of hours, including the final render.
The result is under the cut:
In the previous part I mentioned the “Bike Town” award given to Houten a few years ago. This tiny geographical object has also won a number of other awards:
Holland is decidedly and prominently a bike-land. Any Dutch settlement features miles of bike paths, bike traffic-lights, special bike road marking, ubiquitous bike parkings and bike rental at every train station.
But our Houten seems to be in the lead here.
The summer is almost over, though I haven’t seen much of it. It’s been quite busy here, but in a positive sense.
Firstly, I’ve officially become a Netherlander. Secondly, I’ve changed job yet again, which I’ll tell you about some other time. And finally, I’ve settled down and got stuck in Holland bought a house.
I haven’t been actively blogging lately, and that’s not because nothing is happening. Quite the opposite, I can barely find time these days, so let me share the most important stuff with you.
Inevitable happened: my journey into an alternative reality I’ve embarked on exactly six years ago is now complete. A few days ago I’ve oficially become Dutch, a citizen of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
After the previous release of Sound Switcher Indicator an article about it was posted on Web Upd8. I immediately started getting numerous bug reports, feature requests, questions and comments.
So I found out, for instance, that the indicator is also popular with old Ubuntu versions (up to 12.04).
I’ve finally got to update my Sound Switcher Indicator. Version 1.2.0 adds support for selecting not only the input/output device, but also a specific port:
I’ve been looking for quite a while for a USB hub that would match the design of my iMac. For those who own an iMac a USB hub is a must-have, since Apple have moved all available ports, including even the headphone one, to its back side. Which is in my opinion a typical example of design gone totally wrong.
One day we’d been wandering through the Citadelpark (which acquired its name because it’s situated on the site where in the XIX century Citadel of Ghent was) and came across two museums located next to each other in the damp and dusky grove (the weather was anything but good and the sky was growing dark, so I won’t show you the pictures of the park).