Netherlands and more

Blog about life in Holland

My drinking calendar 2023

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I stumbled upon a post on Reddit showing a drinking calendar for 2023, visualised by a 36 years-old guy. Frankly, it’s quite a disturbing picture for someone familiar with health risks related to alcohol — which I learned about from a podcast by Andrew Huberman. The author recorded 181 days with alcohol plus 5 (!) blackouts.

So I decided to make my own drinking calendar.

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So long twenty-twenty-three

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Image: cybermind.

The time flies like an arrow. Quite unexpectedly, it’s an upshot moment again!

War in Ukraine

This last year it’s become clear the war is the new normal now. With regular shellings of Ukrainian cities and repressions on the rise inside Russia. We call it the “negative natural selection,” when the meanest, the dumbest are in power, oppressing and punishing any dissent.

To an outsider’s eye it doesn’t make a shred of sense, that what the Russians are doing to Ukraine — or to their own folk for that matter. There’s, however, a strong, sinister feeling there’s a mighty good chance the situation will simply collapse into total chaos at some point.

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Comentario ‣ 3.1.0

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AI-generated image.

In the run-up to Christmas, an exciting new version Comentario 3.1.0 has been released!

Comentario is a fast and powerful free comment server for web pages, written in Go.

What’s new

There’s been a number of changes in this release, and the most noteworthy ones are as follows.

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Comentario ‣ 3.0.0

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After seven months of development, 300 commits, and two pre-release versions (1, 2) I’m happy to announce that the final release Comentario 3.0.0 is now available.

Comentario is a fast and powerful free comment server for web pages, written in Go.

What’s new

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Comentario ‣ 3.0.0-rc1

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After five months of intense development and 189 commits — which left no stone unturned in the legacy code — the pre-release version 3.0.0-rc1 of Comentario has been released.

Comentario is a fast and powerful free comment server for web pages, written in Go.

What’s New

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Comentario ‣ Commento is dead. Long live Comentario!

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I’ve been using Commento, the web comment engine, for quite a while on this website, as well as some other sites. I even wrote a post on running Commento with Docker Compose. Commento used to be a free and lightweight alternative to Disqus, Facebook Comments, and such.

But Commento is now dead, which is why I decided to relaunch it — under the new name of Comentario (yes, with one m)!

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Video: snowboarding in Peisey-Vallandry & Les Arcs

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As I don’t seem to ever have time to write a proper post about it, I’ll share a video of our recent Christmas wintersport occasion.

We decided to go to the Paradiski region (where I’ve been six years ago). The region is comprised of three large resorts: La Plagne, Les Arcs, and Peisey-Vallandry.

Back in 2017 we stayed in La Plagne, this time we booked a hotel in Peisey-Vallandry, but snowboarded mostly in Les Arcs (and one day in La Plagne).

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