Tag: Sport

Longevium ‣ Predicting your future by VO₂max

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I’ve decided to launch a dedicated series, which I called Longevium. There I’ll be sharing my insights and personal achievements in the realms of health, vitality, and longevity. Subscribe here!

Today, let’s talk about a rather intriguing metric known as VO₂max, also known as the maximal oxygen uptake. Modern physiology treats VO₂max as the gold standard for measuring physical fitness of a person.

And here’s where it gets really interesting: if you know your VO₂max today, you can predict your fitness level 10, 20, 30 etc. years from now. Just take a look at this chart:

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Longevium ‣ Maximizing lean body mass: my results so far

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Are there too many “Comentario” posts in my blog?

Let’s change the subject for a moment. My New Year’s resolution for this year (what the Dutch call nieuwjaarsvoornemens) was to lose weight — specifically, to reduce my visceral fat percentage while maintaining muscle mass.

As you can see in the photo, the results speak for themselves. In numbers, I’ve gone from 87 kg to 72 kg (-15 kg or -33 lb) in body mass, and my visceral fat percentage has dropped from 13% to 7%.

I’m thrilled with the progress (also visible in the photo) — more details below.

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So long twenty-twenty-three

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Image: cybermind.

The time flies like an arrow. Quite unexpectedly, it’s an upshot moment again!

War in Ukraine

This last year it’s become clear the war is the new normal now. With regular shellings of Ukrainian cities and repressions on the rise inside Russia. We call it the “negative natural selection,” when the meanest, the dumbest are in power, oppressing and punishing any dissent.

To an outsider’s eye it doesn’t make a shred of sense, that what the Russians are doing to Ukraine — or to their own folk for that matter. There’s, however, a strong, sinister feeling there’s a mighty good chance the situation will simply collapse into total chaos at some point.

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Video: snowboarding in Peisey-Vallandry & Les Arcs

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As I don’t seem to ever have time to write a proper post about it, I’ll share a video of our recent Christmas wintersport occasion.

We decided to go to the Paradiski region (where I’ve been six years ago). The region is comprised of three large resorts: La Plagne, Les Arcs, and Peisey-Vallandry.

Back in 2017 we stayed in La Plagne, this time we booked a hotel in Peisey-Vallandry, but snowboarded mostly in Les Arcs (and one day in La Plagne).

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Snow in the city

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A surprisingly heavy snowfall has covered Holland with a pack of snow. Contrary to the tradition, the snow didn’t immediately disappear but stayed for a few days running.

There’s no wintersport this year because of the pandemic. But nothing is impossible for a creative mind!

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Aikido seminar in Nijmegen

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It was my very first visit to the Dutch city of Nijmegen, which is located near the German border.

The reason for my going there was a joint aikido seminar led by three senseis:

  • Tom Dijkman (6th dan aikido aikikai);
  • Jan Thesing (5th dan);
  • René Habraken (5th dan).

So I was brave enough to not get scared off by storm Ciara (but nonetheless happy to be back home before dark).

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