I’ve finally made it to Telegram. I’ve also created Telegram channels for the blog feed in all three languages.
Tag: Blog
Report: Eonics Hack Night — Static Site Generation
The yesterday’s event has been a success in my opinion!
I’ve had a great time, and the turn-out was even larger than expected.
Cloudinary is the new image hosting for yktoo.com
I’ve finally managed to migrate off the ever-worsening Google Photos onto Cloudinary, a pretty convenient and—for the time being—free cloud image hosting provider.
Time will tell whether it was a clever choice, but I’m positive from what I’ve seen so far.
The yktoo.com website code goes public!
The source code for yktoo.com 3.0 is stable enough to be open for general public, which is something I was going to do from the beginning.
You can now view it on GitHub.
20 years, and counting
With all that fuss I have missed the important date of 20 years of my professional experience, which happened on March 22, 2016.
The following scan of the first page of my Employment Book (Трудовая книжка, an official register of one’s work experience, which every employee in Russia is obliged to have) can prove that:
Subscription to e-mail blog updates

A short announcement about a new subscription option.
If the term RSS seems completely foreign to you, there’s now a Good Old E-mail subscription option available for those who want to stay current with my blog. This way you will receive automatic updates by e-mail. Of course, you can unsubscribe at any time.
The Blog Has Moved

I’ve finally managed to move my blog from Blogger onto a self-developed platform.
The new address of the blog is: yktoo.com/blog
Where my foot has trod
My website
The new old blog
Some planned changes have been made to the blog.
As it has matured, it moved to my own domain, and the new URL is: blog.yktoo.com.