Series: Portugal

Trip across a number of Portuguese sities in May 2013.

Portugal ‣ Part 4. Alte

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Our tour guide described Alte, which is 20 km northwards of Albufeira, as “the most picturesque village in Algarve”. To verify this statement one would have to travel around all other Algarvian villages, so let’s take it on trust.

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Portugal ‣ Part 1. Sand sculptures

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Recently I’ve visited Portugal for the first time in my life. The everlasting Dutch off-season makes one long for sun, and where else in Europe can you secure a sunny place, except maybe the Canaries? This spring in Europe is particularly poor, full of floods and cold, so Portugal appears to be the best option for the continental part.

We’ve decided to go for its south coast, the Algarve region. Where the Atlantic Ocean, endless beaches, real waves and the edge of the world are. But first things first.

Warning: tons of photos under the cut!

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