Comentario3.10.0 Donaghadee

By Dmitry Kann 3 min read
This post  in Russian

New version Comentario 3.10.0 Donaghadee has seen the light of day.

Comentario is a fast and powerful free comment server for web pages, written in Go.

AI-generated image.
AI-generated image.

An important announcement: if you’re only interested in news about Comentario, feel free to bookmark the Comentario series page. It also provides a dedicated RSS feed.

What’s new


The embedded Comentario comments now display a spinner during (potentially) long-running operations, such as signing in, submitting a comment, voting on a comment, stickying a comment etc. (#94):

Spinners showing during API calls.
Spinners showing during API calls.

It also addresses another problem related to submitting comments: the Add Comment button gets disabled after the first click, making it impossible to repeatedly submit the same comment (#116).

Language fallback path

Language fallback path handling has been added (#121, thanks to @Func86). Now, if there’s no direct match for the requested page language, the embedded Comentario will try to find an appropriate available regional or script variant first, before falling back to a generic variant and, finally, to the global default (English).

For those interested, the fallback path should look a bit like below:

Language variants diagram.
Language variants diagram.

Comment properties

Comment properties page now also show comment text in HTML, as well as its Markdown source:

Comment text in Properties.
Comment text in Properties.

Domain user properties

Domain owners got the ability to change their users’ notification settings on the corresponding Edit page (#119):

Edit domain user page with the new switches.
Edit domain user page with the new switches.

IPv6 support

Finally, Comentario fully supports registering complete IPv6 addresses, fixing bugs (#95) in the user and comment database tables. As a bonus, the user’s or commenter’s IP address and country are now displayed, too (don’t worry, the below is just an example; Comentario only registers the first two bytes of the address by default):

User’s IP address and country.
User’s IP address and country.


This release significantly improves on Comentario documentation:

  • Added the Architecture section (#117).
  • Added Read on link to section children snippets
  • Fixed and improved Search functionality:
    • Results are ranked based on location and number of occurrences.
    • Search is re-run on back/forward navigation in the browser.
    • Added result count display.

Other changes

  • Embed: use Intl.RelativeTimeFormat for relative time (#122)
  • Embed: display localized date and time
  • Embed: fix code blocks expanding beyond the card’s width (#110)
  • Embed: add Jest and unit tests for Utils
  • Embed: only build by default; test and lint are executed separately
  • Admin UI: improve front page placeholder display, replace deprecated test code
  • I18n: add translations for Chinese
  • I18n: enlarge user lang_id col to 255 chars (#107)
  • Docs: expand self-host desc somewhat
  • Docs: switch to using Hugo environments
  • Docs: README: update blog link
  • Support for custom user attributes
  • Docker: fix ENV warning
  • CI: run the pipeline for each commit, but publish stuff in dev/tag only
  • Code: require Go 1.23.0

Live Demo

You can see the new version, as well as its Administrative UI (login with email admin@admin and password admin), on the demo website:

Comments Live Demo Administrative UI Demo


If you’re interested in trying out Comentario, you can start with these documentation pages:

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