Comentario3.9.0 Crossgar

By Dmitry Kann 3 min read
This post  in Russian

New version Comentario 3.9.0 Crossgar has seen the light of day.

Comentario is a fast and powerful free comment server for web pages, written in Go.

AI-generated image.
AI-generated image.

What’s new

In today’s menu: OIDC support, dark theme, migration from Commento++, and more!

OIDC authentication

We have added support for a generic OIDC identity provider. OIDC stands for OpenID Connect and represents an open authentication protocol implemented by many companies and products.

One example of that is LinkedIn, which you can now easily configure as an identity provider.

Configuring login via LinkedIn for Comentario.
Configuring login via LinkedIn for Comentario.

Comentario documentation contains detailed instructions on configuring login via LinkedIn, as well as a generic OIDC provider.

Dark theme

It’s now possible to properly embed Comentario on a website using a dark theme.

The desired theme can be specified with the theme attribute on the <comentario-comments> tag. It can even be switched on-the-fly, an example of which you can see on the demo page:

Switching Comentario between light and dark themes.
Switching Comentario between light and dark themes.

Migration from Commento++

Commento++ (a.k.a. Commentoplusplus) is another fork of Commento, but it’s seemingly discontinued nowadays, just like its predecessor.

As of this release, Comentario will automatically upgrade/migrate from Commento++ if you run it against the same database. Don’t forget to back up your database up front!

Favicons and manifests

This release also includes necessary icons of all sizes, as well as related manifests, so that Comentario icon will be properly rendered across all popular browsers and OSes — verified by the RealFaviconGenerator:

Favicon analysis.
Favicon analysis.

Docker images

There has also been a slight change in Docker image versioning:

  • latest will now always point to the most recent released version; previously it pointed to the latest development build.
  • edge will refer to the latest development version (the dev branch); it used to be latest before.

This scheme is more in line with the industry standards and Docker Hub practices: latest is usually the most recent stable version.

Next to that, we started building Ubuntu-based images of Comentario. They’re dynamically linked (as opposed to the statically-linked “default” Alpine-based ones). These images are tagged with the -ubuntu suffix, including latest-ubuntu and edge-ubuntu for the above.

Other changes

  • Use federated ID for user lookups, before resorting to email lookup (#99)
  • SSO: add link payload property (#98)
  • Frontend: add robots.txt
  • Publish Comentario Helm chart to GitLab chart repository
  • Frontend: dependency upgrade (Angular 18, ESLint 9, et al.)
  • Add translation to Vietnamese
  • Fix: set XSRF & language cookies only when necessary (#103)
  • Fix: XSRF key generation
  • Fix: page title fetching when path contains query (#106)
  • Fix: double pageview counting (#108)
  • Fix: Embed: non-interactive SSO message handler removal (#96)
  • Fix: Embed: remove Comentario background (#105)

Live Demo

You can see the new version, as well as its Administrative UI (login with email admin@admin and password admin), on the demo website:

Comments Live Demo Administrative UI Demo


If you’re interested in trying out Comentario, you can start with these documentation pages:

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