
By Dmitry Kann 2 min read
This post  in Russian in Dutch

After seven months of development, 300 commits, and two pre-release versions (1, 2) I’m happy to announce that the final release Comentario 3.0.0 is now available.

Comentario is a fast and powerful free comment server for web pages, written in Go.

What’s new

Since the latest pre-release:

  • For the first time in its history, the product has almost 100% end-to-end test coverage, which will guarantee every single change comes regression-free.
  • Numerous bugfixes as a result of the previous item.
  • The Dashboard has been redesigned: views and comments are now two distinct charts, pages and users feature new “background” charts:
    The renewed Comentario Dashboard.
    The renewed Comentario Dashboard.
  • Dropped support for the obsolete PostgreSQL 9.x, added support for the version 16.
  • Domain properties: added protocol dropdown for choosing between http://https://.
  • Profile: added website URL.
  • Static config: added PostgreSQL version and the backend server time.
  • Disqus import: fixed handling of “named anonymous” users.
  • Embed: comment time is now a permalink to that comment.
  • Embed: Markdown Help popup is replaced with a doc link.

Changes from the pre-release versions (since 2.3.1):

  • A whole new database model.
  • Domain user roles.
  • System-wide superuser privilege.
  • Static and dynamic Comentario configurations.
  • User banning.
  • Extended moderation settings (flagging comments containing a link or an image, or those left by recently registered users).
  • Extensions checking comments for spam or toxic content (Akismet, APILayer SpamChecker, Perspective).
  • Much more elaborate view statistics (only gathering, for now).
  • Domain-wide page and comment lists.
  • User avatars upload.
  • Login via Facebook.
  • Non-interactive Single Sign-On.
  • Images in comments.
  • Setting for disabling links in comments.
  • Setting for the front page content.
  • Binary .deb and .rpm packages, installing Comentario as a systemd service.

See CHANGELOG for a complete list of changes.

Live Demo

You can see the new version, as well as its Administrative UI (login with email admin@admin and password admin), on the demo website:

Comments Live Demo Administrative UI Demo


If you’re interested in trying out Comentario, you can start with these documentation pages:

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