
By Dmitry Kann A minute read
This post  in Russian

Two weeks on, the second pre-release version Comentario 3.0.0-rc2 is now available.

Comentario is a fast and powerful free comment server for web pages, written in Go.

What’s new

Apart from fixing annoying bugs, the only notable change in this version is the arrival of binary .deb and .rpm packages.

They allow for a local Comentario install on your server or VM. The server will be run as a systemd service.

Service config

The Comentario service settings come from the following two files:

In order to apply changed settings the service needs to be restarted:

sudo systemctl restart comentario.service

Live Demo

You can see the new version, as well as its Administrative UI (login with email admin@admin and password admin), on the demo website:

Comments Live Demo Administrative UI Demo


If you’re interested in trying out Comentario, you can start with these documentation pages:

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