Ymuse 0.21 Wayfarer

By Dmitry Kann A minute read
This post  in Russian

Ymuse version 0.21 Wayfarer is released.

Ymuse is a client application for the Music Player Daemon.

What’s new

  • Added long-awaited support for album artwork images embedded in audio files (#52, thanks @imsamuka!). Previous versions of Ymuse could only load album art from a cover.* image file residing in the same directory as the audio file.
  • Added album art image size setting:
    Album art image size setting.
    Album art image size setting.
  • The album art image maintains its aspect ratio now (#59).
  • Added current track seek feature by the specified duration in seconds (5 by default) using the CtrlShift and CtrlShift keyboard shortcuts (#56).

Feature tour video

Here’s a brief feature video of a previous version:


Refer to the application page to learn how to install it. ■

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