A new command for adding the selected library item to a playlist (#17):The Add to playlist menu.This function is supported for all library items, such as files, folders, artists, albums, playlists etc. What can now be accomplished with two mouse clicks, would previously require loading a playlist into the play queue, adding the desired items and saving the queue back into the playlist.
The album art display setting has been split into two: for library tracks and for Internet streams (#30). This would make the Interface tab a bit overloaded with widgets, so player settings have got a separate tab:Player settings.The rationale behind this change was improving the application’s responsiveness. Album art download requests can slow down the player and even render it unresponsive on a slow connection. At the same time, streams rarely provide an album image, which is why the corresponding option is off by default.
The Shortcuts info window (invoked with Ctrl+Shift+?) has been extended with more key combinations:Keyboard shortcuts window.