Musicellaneous Odyssey

By Dmitry Kann A minute read
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Friday! This twenty-first edition of Musicellaneous presents a project called Odyssey. It was started a decade ago by one of my favourite prog musicians, the Swedish multi-instrumentalist Dan Swanö.

But we’ll talk about Dan some other time. This series is meant to introduce you to lesser-known music, which Odyssey is a perfect example of.


Odyssey is yet another one of Swanö’s myriads of projects. All instruments here have been played by him alone: guitar, bass, keyboards, and drums. And the vocals are all his, too.

Under this name the project has released the only album Reinventing the Past (2010). Most of its tracks are prog metal covers of various bands. Some of them make me feel pretty nostalgic.

This is, for example, a cover version of Shake the Disease by Depeche Mode. And I must say, it’s even better than the original:

Here’s another hit from the times of my childhood: In the Heat of the Night by Sandra:

In my humble opinion, it’s just brilliant (which is the case with most works by Swanö).


Reinventing the Past2010Reinventing the Past
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