Musicellaneous Widek

By Dmitry Kann A minute read
This post  in Russian

A happy Friday the 13th everyone! This sixteenth edition of Musicellaneous features yet another portion of fascinating space djent played by yet another one-man band, the Polish guitarist Widek.

Widek owns a recording studio, which he used to record and mix more than a hundred bands.

It’s quite surprising how low-profile he is considering the number of musicians he played with.

Photo by Widek.
Photo by Widek.


Widek is pretty productive: since 2011 he has released seven albums and an EP.

His music reminds me of Gru, Andromida and Sithu Aye, especially in its space/Universal theming, which is so popular amongst djent folks.

Many of his tracks feature guest musicians like the mentioned above Gru and Sithu Aye, but also Owane, David Maxim Micic, Plini, and others.

I can clearly see Widek progress over the years. However the fact his music is very repetitive shifts it a bit into the “relax and meditate” domain.

Well, his own defition of the genre is “ambidjent”, which is fair and precise enough.

Anyway, I think it’s perfect music for coronavirus-related home isolation, so sit back and enjoy!


2010 songs20112010 songs
Multiverse (EP)2011Multiverse (EP)
Aurora Borealis2012Aurora Borealis
Outside the Universe2014Outside the Universe
Journey to the Stars2015Journey to the Stars
Hidden Dimensions2017Hidden Dimensions
Dream Reflection2018Dream Reflection
The Garden of Existence2019The Garden of Existence
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