Musicellaneous Arch Echo

By Dmitry Kann 2 min read
This post  in Russian

Suddenly I got a whim to start a section about music, which could inform the dear reader about music pearls I discovered. I’d love to subscribe to something like that myself so that I could learn about new (or even forgotten old) talents. There are lots of them out there, but quite often they’re not widely known.

The choice of exhibits for Musicellaneous will be at my sole discretion, based on factors like how my left little toe feels, the weather on Io and Donald Trump’s statements.

And the first card in our card index will be the American progressive/djent band Arch Echo.

I was lucky to have seen them playing live in 2018, when they were supporting Plini.


Arch Echo is a pretty young lot. It was formed in 2016 in Nashville, Tennessee.

Arch Echo. Photo from the band’s Facebook page.
Arch Echo. Photo from the band’s Facebook page.
  • Richie Martinez — drums
  • Joe Calderone — bass
  • Joey Izzo — keyboards
  • Adam Rafowitz — guitar
  • Adam Bentley — guitar


Arch Echo plays instrumental music in genres progressive metal / funk / djent, which can be described as cheerful, major-sounding and having an intricate rhythmical structure.

Their same-named debut album is such a quality work that it’s hard to believe it’s their first. Their videos leave the same impression of carefully, diligently performed acts.

Color Wheel from Arch Echo’s first album:

Their second album reveals a clear professional growth. Also the band’s sound has become more dense and the musical structure—even more intricate. Here’s Immediate Results! from the band’s second album released this year:


Arch Echo2017Arch Echo
You Won't Believe What Happens Next!2019You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!
Story I2020Story I

Update: added Story I. ■

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