Even though it’s been more than a year, I feel I need to mend this.
On March 19, 2016 I’ve passed my first dan Aikido Aikikai exam. Then, a few months later, I received an official dan certificate from Hombu Dojo.
Fast forward a year and a half, on July 7th, 2018 I was fortunate to have qualified for the second dan (nidan) before Marc Jongsten at Aikido Centrum Leiden.

Obviously I couldn’t refrain from filming this notable event:
The exam consisted of two parts: a proper aikido test which verified how well one mastered various aikido techniques, and a bokken (wooden sword) kata demonstration. My uke (the attacker) was a bit stiff and gawky, furthermore he had a hard time managing the sword (which is quite noticeable on the video). But alright, nobody’s perfect.
I’ve passed that exam. In December same year a nidan certificate has arrived:

This document looks very much like the previous one, with the word shodan (初段) replaced with nidan (弐段):

It’s the first time I noticed it’s not entirely hand-written as some, printed, characters have a slightly different tint.

Some more seminar photos:
On to the sandan! ■