So long two thousand seventeen

By Dmitry Kann 2 min read
This post  in Russian

The fact this year has come to an end was a bit of a surprise for me. I remember myself in July and then—bang—it’s Christmas and Sinterklaas is on his way. There’s some explanation for that though, more on which below.


And now it’s time for the traditional annual round-up!

The last has brought major changes for the better for me, in contrast with the gloomy 2016. I’ll remember the following.

  • I’ve celebrated the New Year’s Eve in the French Lille.
  • Fled the corporate slavery world and embarked on a freelance journey. The journey has formally begun on February 1st at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment (Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu), usually shortened as MinIenM. I’m going to elaborate on that in a separate blog post.
Amersfoort Marathon.
Amersfoort Marathon.
La Plagne.
La Plagne.
Toyota Prius PHV.
Toyota Prius PHV.
  • Been on a real trekking tour, with tents and sleeping bags, to Trolltunga in Norway. Haven’t got to write about it, unfortunately.
Trolltunga, Norway.
Trolltunga, Norway.
  • Visited Frankfurt, Antwerp, Paris yet another time.
The Eiffel Tower.
The Eiffel Tower.
  • … and also Sint Petersburg.
Peter and Paul Fortress.
Peter and Paul Fortress.
Aaron Marshall / Intervals.
Aaron Marshall / Intervals.
  • And, finally, the most important. The circumstances that changed my entire life. The most extraordinary person I’ve ever known has entered it in July. That was so intense that we’ve got matching tattoos one week into our relationship.

Yin & yang.
Yin & yang.
That was new for me, too.

And on that note, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to wish you a cheerful and happy New Year!
Never give up and your dreams will eventually come true!

P.S. I’m writing these lines at a hotel in a village somewhere near German Rees. It’s 14° C and sunny here. There’s no one except us in the entire hotel. ■

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Yuri Izbenko

Счастья и с Новым Годом! )
