Now that October has come, the summer is finally here. The last time it visited us was in April. After that I couldn’t say we ever had summer weather in the past months. Temperature would hardly rise above 21—22° C (70—72° F), and mainly kept around 16—18° C (61—64° F), especially during August and September.
But the last two days of September happened to be really warm, and on the first of October temperature soared to 26° C (79° F) again.

What else could one do on such a lazy Saturday than simply go to the coast?
So I’m in the Hague again. Scheveningen. The coast is crowded. October 1st.

Bars in the neighbourhood are full as well. Waiters have to work hard.

A warning for the customers hangs at a snack bar: “Beware of seagulls” (“Pas op voor de meeuwen”):

And the seagulls are vigilant and always nearby, watching the unmindful customers from above:

The sky is amazingly blue, and sailboats at the horizon fade out in the haze:

Not many swim, but some do. Water is at my feeling about fifteen degrees centigrade (59° F):

I couldn’t resist the temptation to have a swim. For the first time I saw a jelly-fish here in the North Sea!
In such a heat even robots undress and tend to have a glass of cocktail:
