History repeatz itself

By Dmitry Kann A minute read
This post  in Russian

History repeats itself once again, this time around having turned in the opposite direction.

Alexander Nevzorov, the renowned Russian war journalist, shows caricatures dating back to the Second World War, which look intimidatingly familiar.

“As soon as we’re in, we’ll find specialists that will prove we always owned this house.”
“As soon as we’re in, we’ll find specialists that will prove we always owned this house.”
“The people meet us with flowers”.
“The people meet us with flowers”.
“The German army has lost more than two million people."
“The German army hardly suffers any losses.”
“The German army has lost more than two million people."
“The German army hardly suffers any losses.”
“A few more raids and there won’t be a single ungrateful resident left in the city.”
“A few more raids and there won’t be a single ungrateful resident left in the city.”
“Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka”.
“Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka”.
“It’s an outrage! I need to send 5,000 wounded and you only give me one carriage!"
“Sorry, I can’t help it. The official report says only 65 people were wounded.”
“It’s an outrage! I need to send 5,000 wounded and you only give me one carriage!"
“Sorry, I can’t help it. The official report says only 65 people were wounded.”
“Hitler has peaceful aims.”
“Hitler has peaceful aims.”

It’s all spot-on, isn’t it? The only difference is German soldiers did not loot washing machines.

P.S. Bonus (source):

Oslo, Krakow, Warsaw, Paris — the German Nazis placed a V sign in the occupied cities as a sign of their victory.
Oslo, Krakow, Warsaw, Paris — the German Nazis placed a V sign in the occupied cities as a sign of their victory.
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