
By Dmitry Kann A minute read
This post  in Russian

Ymuse version 0.18 is released.

Ymuse is a client application for the Music Player Daemon.

Ymuse using a light and a dark theme.
Ymuse using a light and a dark theme.

What’s new

When it comes to visible changes, there’s only one in this version: the Preferences dialog has got a new tab called Automation. It allows you to configure actions to execute after the play queue has been replaced — for instance, after double-clicking a playlist in the Library:

  • Switch to the Queue tab (enabled by default);
  • Start playback.
The Automation tab.
The Automation tab.

There is also a couple of notable changes under the hood:

  • The code is updated to use Go 1.17 and the latest gotk3/gompd versions; the minimum supported GTK version is now 3.22.
  • The project’s build pipeline has migrated off Travis CI (because of their annoying policy changes) to GitHub Actions. So far so good, the only downside I see is that building a snap package takes up to an hour now.

Feature tour video


Refer to the application page to learn how to install it. ■

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