Reminder: Discover Hugo and static website generation

By Dmitry Kann A minute read
This post  in Russian in Dutch

Reminder for those who have signed up for the event: tomorrow, 21 November I will present about Hugo and the cool things you can make with it.

So if you’re interested how websites like Let’s Encrypt, 1Password Support, or this one are built, do stop by.

  • When: Thursday, 21 November 2019
  • Where: Eonics HQ, Binckhorstlaan 36 (M0.17), The Hague
  • Language: Dutch, but I’ll switch to English if needed
  • Price: free

There will also be food and drinks served after the presentation.

If you plan to take part in the workshop, please bring your laptop.

Unfortunately, the registration for the presentation and the workshop is already closed. After the event they will be available for download. ■

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